Monday, June 20, 2011

Chelly Belly: The story behind the name

Hello all! I wanted to make a special post for today. As you all know the name of my blog is Chelly Belly, but a lot of people don't know what this means. Let me first say that, my mother is the biggest part of my life. She was a phenomenal person and mother. She was my Hero! But this day, two years ago, she died of congestive heart failure. I've been comtemplating for a while whether or not I should share this but, she was one of the reasons I'm writing this now. She has givin me so much confidence and love, I thought it only fair to return some of the favor. A gorgous addition to this earth and I'm saddend she had to leave.
                       R.I.P Lesley "Chelle" Miles
A collage of her life
(I'm the curly headed little puff in her arms in the middle picture)

Us at Disneyworld years ago
(her favorite place in the WORLD!)
Where I get my good looks and posing skill!

P.S. She died a few days before my 14th birthday. So that means, on Thursday, I'll be SIXTEEN!!! She would have been 40 this year so, the parties would have been WILD!! I love you mommy...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Oops! I did it again!

   Why do I keep falling behind with post for yall!?! I am frustrated with myself for not being here, so now that schools almost over, We can get more stuff done. I have a video for you guys so, enjoy.
P.S. I may start using clothing pieces from other post just to show you guys, its not hard to switch it up! It's simple, and with a few changes or an accessory or two, you'll be the talk of the town... Also, Im not allowed to shop for a while... BUT that's another story :3!

The usual stupied and random pics!
                                                                                   Love your Fashion Dictator,